Tuesday, October 28, 2008

When manners just don't cut it...

I love how she starts out so sweetly, the way her mother taught her... "No, I don't want it in mine hair", but is then driven to the squabbling sibling mode. *sigh, it's annoying, but it works.

Did you catch the part about the Moongee woongee? She loves making up names for things, and we will often make a game out of changing the made up words to each other. We had a blast with the moongee woongee, choony woony, and the doony goony. Fun times!

The Sky is Falling!

I love the Fall weather!
Unfortunately, since these pictures have been taken, our thermometors have gone for a dive - we've even had our first snowfall. The year we got married, we actually had the first snowfall on our wedding day! It was beautiful, just like big fluffy pieces of confetti that gracefully drifted to the ground. That was November, this is October, snow is just not welcome.
Now, we are busy scraping together some Hallowe'en costumes, I'm sure that by Friday we will have it together.
In the meantime, here is a glimpse of some fun in the fall.
Katelyn and Fiona have a quick minute of sisterly love.

Tossing away any inhibitions (not many with this one)

Ah, if only life really were that simple... maybe it is. Go on, take the plunge!