Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My first daughter...

I've been having troubles lately with Katelyn age 7. She was just recently suspended from school for 2 days, and in general, we've been having a tough time getting through to her.

There are many times when life just seems so stressful and overwhelming with her... but there is something that brings me right back, every time.

This is the song that I heard on the radio one time on my way to work. I was pregnant with Katelyn, and it really struck a chord. I can't find a link to the song on its own, so I encourage you to hear the song without looking at the video, it is far more profound.

That day I was brought to tears. Sobbing, heaving, full-blown tears. Everyone at work wanted to know if I was okay, because I looked like a wreck. Well, still to this day, more that 7 years later. That song still brings me to tears.

Here it is, a song by Amy Sky... dedicated to my first daughter. Katelyn. I love you.


Jen, Preston and Maren said...

Love the song and glad to hear you writing about K, raising kids is a tough job and you are doing great!

Svr said...

Sorry about the difficulties you are going through you will be in my prayers also....thank you for your prayers too!